Do I Need a Website for My Business?

Yes. Yes you need a website if you’re looking to reach people to spread awareness or to connect people to your product/services that’ll improve their life and make you money. That’s the short version!

Here are the Top 5 Reasons Why You Need a Website

1. People Use Google for EVERYTHING

People turn to Google to find products and services that they need all day, everyday. Any time they need a question answered, your website and product can be the answer! Having a website is like a funnel, you’ll cast the widest net being able to show up as an option in someone’s Google search. Wider than just using Facebook or Instagram, for example. A website is THE most important marketing asset. Missing out on all the people Googling things 24/7 is a huge loss to your business and could be the difference between finally finding success or staying at your 9 to 5 job.

2. A Website Is the Best Format and Layout to Provide All Your Info With No Limits

A website is hands down the best way to provide EVERYTHING a customer needs to know about your business in one place, exactly how you want it to be conveyed and without having to click around or even scroll down the page. Instagram is great, but when looking at someone’s feed there are character limits in the bio and sometimes you have to open different posts and watch different highlights to actually get a good idea of what the person does and how it can help you. And to repeat what I wrote above, you’re not casting the widest net possible when strictly using Instagram anyways!!

Even if you do go viral with a social media post, I think people will want to click through to your website for the most detailed and easy to consume information about you or your company. This works both ways, if you’re hoping to start making some money not only through your website but on social media with sponsorships, you want to link your social media accounts at the very top of your website so when you have all those people organically finding your site when Googling something, they’ll check out social media next and you’ll have so many more eyes on your accounts.

3. A Website Will Make You Look Credible & Professional

Networking can happen anywhere, anytime and being able to say “check out my website if you want more information (or to view my products)” just makes you sound legit. Some people may think ‘I can’t have a website yet, I just started and I can’t afford it or don’t know if I’ll succeed’ but if you haven’t realized yet while reading this blog post, let me say it again: A WEBSITE IS THE TOOL FOR SUCCESS! If ever a potential client is deciding between two options, the one with a website that includes a clear description of how you can help will absolutely work in your favor to land the client.

*Pro Tip* If you don’t have past clients to showcase because you just started, offer your service for free or at a heavily discounted rate to friends, family or other people in your network to be able to have that first project in your portfolio and a glowing review that’ll help land future clients.

An added bonus is you even get an email address included when you purchase a website domain that’s branded with your company name so you’re not operating your business out of your personal email. Which makes you look all the more credible and professional!

4. Websites are Permanent & Low Maintenance

Once you put your website out there, you don’t have to touch it again and it’s working like crazy to connect you to people who need you while you go about your daily life: spending time with friends and family, sleeping, partying, reading, traveling- whatever it is you do! You can focus on what you love about your business while you let your website do the marketing for you. 

While you may want to update the style a little bit every 3-5 years just so it doesn’t look outdated, that’s it. Every few YEARS you might want to tweak it but you never have to start from scratch again and put in the work after you get it out there. 

5. Websites are a Source of Income!!!

Your website is one central hub where everything you sell or promote lives in one place. If you currently just sell a service, like web design for example, that doesn’t mean that you won’t one day sell digital products like ebooks or small courses. Even if you don’t sell physical products, your website is like your store for everything, including digital things.

You can give away free content in exchange for an email address, everyone swears by email marketing campaigns to grow your business. But getting site visitors to give you their email addresses from the beginning would be huge because you never know what product/service/course you’ll create in the future and then you have a list of potential customers you can email directly.

If you actually like to write and have a lot of knowledge or entertaining content to share that pertains to your industry, blogging is a great way to show your expertise. You can totally take the script of any of your TikToks/Reels/Instagram long form posts and repurpose them as a blog post. You can get really specific with each topic that way and that’s an additional webpage with keywords that will be showing up on Google when someone is looking for answers or products.

In addition, each blog post is an opportunity to add in your affiliate links!


Becoming an affiliate with a company is signing up to partner with that company to be paid a commission for getting your site visitors to go to THEIR site to buy their product. When you go through the sign-up process you get unique links that you add to your website so that the company knows the sale came from your website and you get paid!

If you’re wondering who or what you can become an affiliate for- just think about products you use in your everyday life. For example, if you’re a mom you can promote products you love that were helpful when you had a newborn. Otherwise I’m sure you can think of several products and services you use for your business every day. Here are examples I use and recommend that have affiliate programs:

-BlueHost (hosting service I use to host my own website as well as all my clients’)

-Microsoft Products (Microsoft 365 for everything you need for business: cloud storage, email, applications like Word, management of network and security)

-Adobe (Photoshop)

-LastPass (for password management)

-Amazon (products I use everyday for my work setup)

Hopefully these examples gave you some ideas for partnerships in your own every day business. If you are already using and loving certain products and services it makes so much sense to promote them and get paid.

Keep in mind you can promote your own products and services in your blog posts too. So when you’re answering a common question in your industry, promote how you help further with your product or service and direct instructions on how to work with you.


Finally, you can earn money by including advertisements on your website. Start by Googling “Google AdSense.” Wow, two Googles in a row in that sentence…. But you actually can make money just by signing up to let advertisers put ads on your site otherwise you’ll make money every time someone clicks on the advertisement from your site. Either way, if you are looking to make money, this is a great way to do it.

Ok so now that you DEFINITELY know you need a website – WHAT NEXT?!

I got ya covered, read my next post on how and where to start including HOW MUCH it’ll cost you to get started which *new flash* isn’t much AT ALL!